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Resources Page (Solo en Inglés)

Fair Housing




Senior Housing

  • Opens new browser window Colorado Gerontological Society - The Colorado Gerontological Society is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization organized in 1980 to provide advocacy, information, and assistance to Colorado seniors as well as education and networking for aging professionals.
  • Opens new browser window Silver Sneakers Senior Fitness Program - Silver Sneakers is a fun, energizing program that helps older adults take greater control of their health by encouraging physical activity and offering social events.
  • Opens new browser window Colorado Senior Housing - As a gateway to retirement living, offers information and services for seniors, families, directors, vendors, job seekers and health professionals who are looking for a trusted resource.
  • Opens new browser window Medicare counseling (Dept. of Regulatory Agencies) - The Senior Health Insurance Assistance Program, within the Colorado Division of Insurance, helps people enrolled in Medicare with questions about health insurance.
  • Opens new browser window - Find an apartment, agencies on aging, learn about available HMOs, and discover drug savings programs.





Section 8 Voucher Holders


Landlord Resources


Home Repair/Modification

  • Opens new browser window - This site lists approved home repair programs broken out by counties and cities.
  • Opens new browser window - This site is dedicated to promoting aging in place and independent living for people of all ages and abilities.

Energy Assistance

  • Opens new browser window LEAP - A federally funded, state-supervised, county-administered system designed to assist with your winter heating costs.
  • Opens new browser window Energy Outreach Colorado - Energy Outreach Colorado has raised more than $136 million to help Colorado's neediest families and seniors afford home energy.
  • Opens new browser window Colorado Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) - A federally-funded program that helps low income households pay their home heating and cooling bills.


  • Opens new browser window Colorado Coalition for the Homeless - The mission of the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless is to work collaboratively toward the prevention of homelessness and the creation of lasting solutions for homeless and at-risk families, children, and individuals throughout Colorado.
  • Opens new browser window Colorado Homeless Families transitional housing - Colorado Homeless Families (CHF) is a nonprofit transitional housing program. CHF serves families with children who are classified as "New Poor" (families who are homeless for the first time) or "Working Poor" (families who earn low wages and cannot keep up with the rising cost of living, including housing).
  • Opens new browser window National Coalition for the Homeless - If you are not homeless yet, it may be possible to avoid becoming homeless by finding out about prevention or emergency assistance programs in your area. If you are homeless, emergency assistance programs may help with temporary shelter, or security deposits and/or first month's rent.




  • Opens new browser window RTD
  • Opens new browser window 1-800-TAXI-CAB - 1-800-TAXI-USA connects you to the very best taxi companies, and we work hard to make sure your experience is as safe and hassle-free as possible.



Health Care


Foreclosure Prevention

  • Opens new browser window Colorado Foreclosure Hotline - The Colorado Foreclosure Hotline was created as a central point of contact for homeowners in danger of foreclosure, and as a means for connecting those homeowners to a HUD-approved housing counseling agency in their community.
  • Opens new browser window Credit Counseling Directory - HUD-approved counseling agencies
  • Opens new browser window Avoiding Foreclosure Scams - The official government website with information on how to avoid foreclosure scams and how to report them.

State Agencies


Emergency Preparedness and Recovery

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